Friday, February 29, 2008

Pat Note #2

Hi, LIFER's:

A few updates:

* Registration: Chad is now registered! On the day he committed, he sent me this note: "I’m 98% now. Give me a day or two. I started watching the course video on your blog. The only thing I didn’t see were the places where I can stop and pee, poop, nap, eat lunch, trade out for a new ipod that isn’t soaked with sweat, get new shoes and pass the baton." This was obviously a cry for help, so I called to help him register! Shane, once you register, our team is complete...just do it (this weekend)!

* Flights: Courtney booked the same flight as Angi and I (see blog for details). Other flight plans: Chad?, Tracy/Demi?, Bill/Lindsay?, Rich/Erica?

* Hotel: See blog for details. Everyone has booked except: Bill/Lindsay and Tracy/Demi.

Run for Life!,
Phil 4:13

* Team Name: Living In Faith Exchange Runners (LIFER's).
* Training: Our blog has a link to Hal Higdon's 18 wk training guides for novice, intermediate, and advanced runners (starts 8 Jun).
* Ministry Support (Right to Life): I have our wristbands. More to come on sign up sheets for logging sponsors ($/mile).

Saturday, February 23, 2008

Pat Note #1

Hi, LIFER's:

This is "Chicago Marathon for Life" Blog Note #1...thanks to Rich for setting up the blog!

* Team Name: Living In Faith Exchange Runners (LIFER's).

* Team Blog: View at Everyone should have received an email invite. You must accept this invite to add posts or comments to the blog. Rich added a really neat video that takes you through the course at high speed.

* Registration: Everyone is registered except Chad and Shane. After the abortion clinic prayer vigil this morning, Chad told me that he is 90% confident that he will register. Shane, are you still 75%? Let's cheer these teammates to register...a critical step to finishing a marathon!

* Training: Rich added links for the Chicago Marathon website and Hal Higdon's 18 wk training guides for novice, intermediate, and advanced runners (starts 8 Jun).

* Ministry Support (Right to Life): I received our "ProLife" wristbands (to wear during the marathon). I will get them to you. More to come on sign up sheets for logging sponsors ($/mile).

* Flights: Frontier has great rates from Denver to Midway Airport. Here is the flight info for Angi and I. Fri, 10 Oct: Frontier #531, Depart Denver at 130P, Arrive Chicago Midway at 449P. Sun, 12 Oct: Frontier #543, Depart Chicago Midway at 702P, Arrive Denver at 838P. Please "post" your flight info to the blog...or email it to me for posting.

* Hotel: Hilton Garden Inn Oakbrook, 1000 Drury Ln, Oakbrook Terrace, IL, 630-941-1177, indoor swimming pool, 3 PM check in, cancel before 4 PM arrival day, 1/2 mile from the Oakbrook Mall, ~20 miles west of downtown Chicago, and ~20 miles from Midway Airport: The rate is $99 for a 2 double beds rm with 2 adults (each extra adult is $20). If you call the hotel directly (# above), the rate is $119 for a 2 double beds rm with 2 adults (each extra adult is $10). The gov't rate (call) is $104 for a 2 double beds rm with 2 adults (each extra adult is $10).

* Bill, Lindsay: booked?
* Shannon family: booked
* Tracy: parent's house Fri, with us on Sat?
* Rich, Erica: downtown Hampton Inn Majestic
* Dan, Joe: gov't rate booked (under Pat)
* Pat, Angi, Courtney: gov't rate booked (under Angi)
* Mom, Dad, Dani: gov't rate booked (under Pat)
* Shane, Steve, Chad: gov't rate booked (under Shane)

Run for Life!,
Phil 4:13

Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Pres Reagan ProLife Quote

"The real question today is not when human life begins, but, 'What is the value of human life?' The abortionist who reassembles the arms and legs of a tiny baby to make sure all its parts have been torn from its mother's body can hardly doubt whether it is a human being." President Ronald Reagan, (1983).