Wednesday, October 14, 2009

2009 ProLife fundraiser (ultrasound machine)

I was pleased to hear that our LIFE Runners team raised over $2100 for the ultrasound machine for A Woman's Answer (AWA) Medical Center in Gainesville, Florida.

I need to ask that all money collected for this cause please be mailed to me by November 1st, 2009. Please make checks out to the Knights of Columbus and mail them to PO Box 14044, Gainesville, FL 32604.

My Knights of Columbus council and the AWA staff are thrilled with how much money we raised. Our goal is to have the ultrasound machine purchased in time for AWA's first annual Banquet for Life on January 22, 2010 (37th anniversary of Roe v. Wade). Bishop Galeone will be the keynote speaker and it would be great to have him bless this machine during the ceremony. This means that I need to work fast on getting all of the necessary funds and paperwork complete. Thank you for your timely contributions to this worthy cause. I will keep you posted on our progress.

God bless,
James 1:22

Monday, September 28, 2009

2009 LIFE Runners Team (taper body, ramp up soul!)

TC Marathon for ProLife: 4 Oct (Respect Life Sunday)
* Team mission: God first, Defend the unborn (ProLife), Encouragement, Health
* Teammates: Dave, Jason, Doug, Rich, John, Steve, Pat, Angi (Quad Cities), Brenda/Aaron
Hi, LIFE Runners -

We will line up in less than one week! Rich, Dave and me all fly in around 2:30 PM on Friday. Steve is going to pick us up at the baggage claim for my flight (Northwest Flt 1647 arriving 2:18 PM). We will check in at the Best Western Normandy (405 South 8th Street Minneapolis, MN 55404, 800-372-3131) and then find dinner. Anyone want to join us? On Saturday morning, let's head over to the Expo right after breakfast. We will meet Aaron/Brenda at the Expo, as they are staying in a different hotel. We will pick up Doug Sat at 3 PM, go to Mass somewhere at 5 PM, and then find a pre-race pasta meal somewhere. I will have a GPS and i-phone to find what we need. I have Doug's info to pick up his race packet for him at the Expo.
UPDATE: Angi, Paige and me ran for ProLife in the Quad Cities yesterday. Angi ran her fastest half marathon, hit the wall, and prayed her way to 26.2 miles...for ProLife! I ran the Quad Cities 5K with Paige (9)...Paige did it in 30:02 - youngest female, #1/3 div, 118/437 overall in her first race. Many people commented on our ProLife jerseys!

TRAINING (taper wk): The TC Marathon slogan is "train your body, prepare your soul." Be sure to follow the taper week is an important part of the preparation. Also, try not to do any new physical fitness activity this week. Although we taper physically, let's ramp it up spiritually as we prepare our soul to defend the unborn!

PROLIFE FUND RAISER: Consider asking your friends/family to sponsor you for $/mile to raise $ for an ultrasound machine at Woman's Answer Medical Center. We can give Rich our donations this weekend.

Run for ProLife!

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

2009 LIFE Runners Team (SF Half, 3 wks to go!)

TC Marathon for ProLife: 4 Oct (Respect Life Sunday)
* Team mission: God first, Defend the unborn (ProLife), Encouragement, Health
* Teammates: Dave, Jason, Doug, Rich, John, Jim, Steve, Pat, Tammy, Brenda/Aaron/Trevor
Hi, LIFE Runners -

We will line up in less than three weeks!
Aaron/Brenda, Jason, Steve and me ran the Sioux Falls 1/2 marathon on 13 Sep. Jason did 7 miles before the 1/2, finishing off his first 20 miler!

Thanks again to Rich for getting us the cool LIFE Runners jerseys (see attch picts).

Run for ProLife!
Phil 4:13

Thursday, September 3, 2009


Hi LIFE Runners,

Hopefully everyone has received their running shirts by now and has gotten a little bit of training done in them. Thank you for your patience. The task was challenging, but worth it.

Weather has improved in Gainesville and I have been able to run more outside. Erica and I have a favorite course for my 5-mile runs in which I run a 2-mile loop and catch up with her on the 3-mile leg. Last weekend I completed the first 20-mile run of my intermediate training in 2:32. Unfortunately, it was on the treadmill, because of the intense heat. My next 20-miler will be during my visit to Oregon to see my Dad on September 13th.

Fundraising has been steady, and I have raised about $300 so far for A Woman's Answer Medical Center. I still need to mail off letters to my family and friends. As you are probably aware, the Knights of Columbus are raising money for a new ultrasound machine, which will help expectant mothers make the right choice for LIFE! Please consider donating money to this worthy cause. Checks can be made payable to "Knights of Columbus" and mailed to Rich Reich, PO Box 14044, Gainesville, Florida 32604.

Looking forward to seeing everyone soon.

Thank you and God bless,
James 1:22

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

2009 LIFE Runners Team (4 wks to go!)

TC Marathon for ProLife: 4 Oct (Respect Life Sunday)
* Team mission: God first, Defend the unborn (ProLife), Encouragement, Health
* Teammates: Dave, Jason, Doug, Rich, John, Jim, Steve, Pat, Tammy, Brenda/ Aaron/ Trevor
Hi, LIFE Runners -

We will line up in just a little over one month!

UPDATES: Please go to and post an update on your training, faith, and marathon arrival/departure info.
* My sore foot (plantar fasciitis) is improving, thanks to a night splint. I had a great 20 mile run this past weekend (cool weather). I still plan to use the Sioux Falls 1/2 marathon (13 Sep) as a training run with Aaron, Jason, and Steve. I ordered more ProLife wristbands...will bring extra to the TC Marathon.
* Rich: Thanks for mailing out the LIFE Runners jerseys...turned out great...thank you!
* Doug: Had a good 18 miler this past weekend.
* Jason: Did 18 miles this past weekend...his longest ever!
* Dave: Finished a full Ironman this past!
* Steve: Ended up in the emergency room during his long run in the Black Hills a couple weeks ago...I'll let him tell the incredible story filled with faith...and Murphy's Law.
* Clydesdales (Steve, Doug, Jason): How is the Clydesdale weight loss competition going? Time to send out your weigh in, lbs lost, and % lost stats.

TRANSPORTATION: My flight arrives at 2:20 PM, 2 Oct and departs at 5:10 PM, 4 Oct. Steve will pick up Rich, Dave and me. Info for others?

LODGING: Best Western Normandy (800-372-3131, "LIFE Runners Block" for $94)
* Rich/Doug: Best Western, Fri-Sun, booked
* Dave/Pat: Best Western, Fri-Sun, booked
* Steve/Tina: Best Western, Fri-Sun, BOOKED?
* Jason/Deanna: Best Western, Fri-Mon, booked
* Aaron/Brenda: Holiday Inn, Fri-Sun, booked
* Jim: staying with his daughter
* John/Chris: Best Western, Fri-Sun, BOOKED?

PROLIFE FUND RAISER: Angi and me are going to make a donation to Rich's charity (new ultrasound machine for a Woman's Answer Medical Center). Worthy Grand Knight Rich and his Knights of Columbus council are working on raising funds for this. Anyone else want to help save babies (and protect mothers) by raising $ for this ultrasound machine? If yes, let's ask friends and family to sponsor us $/mile for the ultrasound machine.
* NEW: Angi and me will each sponsor Rich for $1 per mile ($52.40). I am running the marathon with by verify...ha!

Run for ProLife!
Phil 4:13

Saturday, August 1, 2009


Thank you to those who supported our team by ordering a LIFE Runners shirt. We were finally able to meet our minimum shirt request of 12, and I was able to put in the order this Friday (31 July). Lloyd Clarke Sports said that the shirts should be done in approximately 10 business days. Then I will mail them off to you as soon as I can so that you can start to train in them.

I have been able to raise $70 so far for my ProLife charity, A Woman's Answer Medical Center. For more information about this charity, please visit AWA is a pregnancy crisis center in Gainesville, Florida that provides pregnant women alternative medical services to abortion. My Knights of Columbus council is currently raising money for a new ultrasound machine for AWA, and I am hoping to support this effort by raising additional funds through the Twin Cities Marathon.

My training has been going well. No injuries, but I have been forced to run on my treadmill a lot, because of the heat. I have not purchased my plane tickets yet, but I plan to have a similar itinerary as Pat. I am looking forward to seeing everyone in October.

God Bless,
Romans 12:12


2009 Living In Faith Exchange Runners (LIFER's) Team
* TC Marathon for ProLife: 4 Oct 2009 (Respect Life Sunday)
* Marathon: Kristi, Brenda, Jason, Doug, Rich, John, Jim, Steve, Pat
* 10 miler: Tammy 5K: Aaron/Trevor
* Team mission: God first, Defend the unborn (ProLife), Encouragement, Health
Hi, LIFE Runners -

Please go to and post an update on your training, faith, and marathon arrival/departure info. Kristi, how are your injuries? Aaron is healthy again and plans to run the TC 5K with his son Trevor. How is the Clydesdale weight loss competition going (Steve, Doug, Jason)?

UPDATE: I am dealing with some pain in one foot...but will nurse it to the TC Marathon finish line. I will likely not run the Sioux Falls half marathon in Sep. We have found a beautiful running loop near our home (rolling hills, trees, minimal traffic, usually see deer/turkeys/raccoons). Running helps me deal with periodic impatience as we get settled into our home and work. I feel closest to God when receiving the Eucharist and when I am running...quiet/listening time...discerning His will. My flight arrives at 2:20 PM, 2 Oct and departs at 5:10 PM, 4 Oct.

LODGING: Best Western Normandy (800-372-3131, "LIFE Runners Block" for $94)
* Rich/Doug/Pat: Best Western, Fri-Sun, booked
* Steve/Tina: Best Western, Fri-Sun, booked?
* Jason/Deanna: Best Western, Fri-Mon, booked
* Kristi: Best Western, needs a roommate, Fri-Sun, booked
* Aaron/Brenda: Holiday Inn, Fri-Sun, booked
* Jim: staying with his daughter
* John/Chris: Best Western, Fri-Sun, booked?

Run for ProLife,
Phil 4:13

Monday, May 11, 2009

Kristi McClintock's Intro

LIFE Runners,

I am excited to be on the team! I met Pat last year when he came to visit some mutual friends and now I’m incredibly blessed to be training for my first marathon because of his encouragement and coaching! I live in Steubenville, Ohio where I work for Franciscan University. I’ve wanted to run a marathon for the past couple of years, and so I am going for it! Pray for me and know that I’m praying for y’all!

My Goals:

1. To make it to the start line by taking the training one day at a time and not getting intimidated by the goal of running a marathon. What a parallel this is to the spiritual life where I can easily get intimidated by the final goal of Heaven, but I realize the journey is about being faithful one day at a time! The training is already teaching me so much in my relationship with God and just daily living.

2. To offer each run for life - for the unborn babies, their mothers and fathers (especially those who have had abortions; for healing), and all of my family to recognize the fullness of life lived in Christ.

3. To discipline my body.

4. To do something for myself so that I am better able to serve those around me. I find that often in ministry its easy to loose yourself, so this is a daily reminder to take care of me.

I've appreciated the emails and reflections y'all have sent. Please keep them coming! I find encouragement in your stories and inspirational thoughts. One little thing I would like to share; I was at the end of a longer run the other day and was feeling a bit exhausted. At that moment, the thought came to my mind that it would be great to have a partner next to me cheering me on, especially if it was my dad. At that moment, I had an intense awareness of God the Father's presence with me - simply saying, "I am here, I believe in you, and I am cheering you on" - what a gift! And I know He is with us all, so I thought I give you a quick reminder that your Heavenly Father is that daddy on the sidelines, constantly cheering for you!



Sunday, May 3, 2009

Pat Castle (goals)


My strategic goal is to embrace our Team Mission: God first, Defend the unborn (ProLife), Encouragement, Health. Here are my tactical goals while training to reach the finish line of the TC Marathon for ProLife.

* God first: Run closer to the Father, Son, and Holy allows worship/prayer, sacrifice, action. Celebrate God's gift of life through running (joy).
* Defend the unborn (ProLife): Be part of the solution to end abortion...prayer, communicating our motivations for running, and raising $/mile to help Rich purchase an ultrasound machine for a Gainesville, FL crisis pregnancy center.

* Encouragement: Be a stronger husband, father, son, brother, allows reflection, prayer, spiritual perspective, patience, energy. Help my Teammates reach their marathon goals.

* Health: Arrive at the starting line prepared spiritually and physically (peace). Courageously reach for my best (break 2:53:51), praising and honoring Christ by striving to maximize my God-given potential.

Training for a marathon is a faith growing experience, providing many opportunities for us to live out our faith (worship/prayer, sacrifice, action). The training gives us greater awareness of our total dependence on God (humility) and allows for more (and deeper) worship/prayer time (greater connection with God's will). A marathon training experience is like being on an extended retreat...the marathon is not the ultimate goal...heaven is the ultimate goal!

Like 2008, let's expect big things as we grow closer together (Body of Christ) and closer to Christ. Completing a marathon is a huge accomplishment (all glory to God!), but this is merely our vehicle (fueled by faith) to help save physical and spiritual lives as we defend the unborn. I am blessed to be part of our team of Christ disciples who defend the defenseless unborn and celebrate God's gift of life through marathon running. Our genuine sacrifices for Christ will bring True joy and peace in our lives and those near us...for eternity...thanks be to God!

Run for ProLife,
Phil 4:13

Friday, May 1, 2009

Rich Reich Intro

Hello LIFE Runners,

I am in the Air Force and currently working on my PhD in chemistry at the University of Florida in Gainesville, Florida. I taught chemistry with Pat at the Air Force Academy a few years ago and I co-author the LIFE Group devotions with him.

My goals for the marathon this year:

  • Be the voice for the unborn (our running shirts are hopefully going to open up opportunities for speaking the Truth).

  • Raise $1000 towards a new ultrasound machine for A Womans Answer Medical Center.

  • Finish the marathon without ending up in the medic tent. If successful, this will be my first out of four completed marathons that I didn't look like the walking dead and scare the heck out of my wife Erica.

  • Qualify for the Boston Marathon with a 3:15.
Through Christ our Lord,
Romans 12:12

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Steve Castle Intro

Hello Life Runners!
I am signed up for the TC Marathon and really excited about it. I am Pat's little-big brother and will be striving to make all the Clydesdale's out there proud.

Here are my goals in brief:
  1. Run for all the innocent little babies being murdered each day - REMEMBER!
  2. Stay Healthy - focus on stretching, rest, and smart training
  3. Break 4 hours
  4. Get under 200lb's by race day - I weighed in at 227lb's

Praise be to God - let's run to finish the race!

Through the love of God...


Romans 12:12