Sunday, October 26, 2008

2009 LIFER's Team!

2009 Living In Faith Exchange Runners (LIFER's) Team
* Pam, Aaron, Dale, Jason, Shane, John, Chad, Bill, Tracy, Doug, Rich, Tina/Steve, Angi/Pat
* Team blog at
* Team mission: God first, Defend the unborn (ProLife), Encouragement, Health
Hi, 2009 LIFER's Team!

Note our current 2009 team members listed above, including the following new members: Pam McGushin, Tina Castle, Aaron Ferrie, Dale Sundermann, Jason Peters, and Shane Hall. Welcome! Let me know if anyone else wants to join us. Team membership simply entails being part of the LIFE Devotions Group and racing the marathon for ProLife. Like 2008, let's expect big things as we grow closer together (Body of Christ) and closer to God! Completing a marathon is a huge accomplishment (all glory to God!), but this is merely our vehicle (fueled by faith) to save physical and spiritual lives by defending the unborn. The marathon training will provide many opportunities for us to live out our faith (prayer, sacrifice, action) as we become part of the solution to end abortion in America.

The votes are in...we will be racing the Twin Cities Marathon next year (Sun, 4 Oct)! Here are the top three.
* Twin Cities (9 votes): #1 (6), #2 (2), #3 (1)
* Omaha (5 votes): #1 (1), #2 (3), #3 (1)
* Marine Corps (4 votes): #1 (2), #3 (2)

Here are some of the reasons for the Twin Cities Marathon,
* Voted most beautiful urban marathon in America.
* Cool weather.
* Teammates with connections there: Aaron, Steve, Doug, others?
* 10 mile run in conjunction with the marathon. This is a nice option for injury set backs and training time limitations.
* "The runners are treated great, the crowds are energetic."
* Just under 8,000 runners (really nice size).

I am truly proud to be part of our team of Christ disciples who defend the defenseless unborn and celebrate God's gift of life through marathon running!

Run for ProLife,
Phil 4:13

Saturday, October 18, 2008

2008 Post-Race...2009 Prep (by Fri, 24 Oct)

Living In Faith Exchange Runners (LIFER's)
* 2008 Team: John, Steve, Chad, Tracy, Bill, Rich, Courtney, Angi, Pat, Scott, Ben, Doug, Shane (deployed)
* 2009 Team (committed): John, Steve, Chad, Rich, Courtney, Angi, Pat, Doug, Others?
* Team mission: God first, Defend the unborn (ProLife), Encouragement, Health!
Hi, LIFER's Team -

With the help of our team (Body of Christ)...all but one found the starting line and all but two found the finish line of the 2008 Chicago Marathon (in top 5 marathons in the world)...but we all grew closer to Christ! This was a huge life accomplishment...all glory to God!

Most importantly, we lived our faith by being part of the solution to end abortion in America (prayer, sacrifice, action). Training for and running a marathon provides a whole year of reflection and stories to tell, especially when you run for a cause like abortion which begs for discussion in our country. Please continue to make significant sacrifices leading up to this election (prayer in front of abortion mill, bumper sticker on car, etc).

Thanks to Tracy's Mom for giving me the LIFER's banner for our 2009 marathon. What marathon are we going to run in 2009? The New York City marathon (1 Nov 2009) would be really cool, as it is the largest in the world (38,000 finishers compared to 31,000 finishers for Chicago). There is one major hitch for our team...registration is done by lottery, so we would not all make it. Granted, the training fellowship, faith journey, and cause are the main entrees and crossing the finishing line is only the dessert...but we need to eat the dessert together as a team (same marathon)!

Therefore, we need to find a different marathon, and I am open to everyone's suggestions. I have heard great things about Grandma's in Duluth, but it is in June. A Fall marathon makes more sense because training in the summer allows for longer days (early morning runs don't interfere as much with family time) and warmer weather. This why I have never trained for a Spring marathon. This may change for me in 2009 if the funding package gets approved to escort 4 cadet marathon club members to the Great Wall of China marathon (16 May). Here are some Fall marathon options (please present more):
* Black Hills (Sat, 3 Oct 09): mostly flat/downhill but at about 5000 ft, half marathon option, only about 500 runners, lower registration cost ($60), lower hotel/food costs, stay close to the race start, Sante Fe trail like surface but better, amazing scenery, 7.5 hr drive from C. Springs which allows less expensive travel (drive instead of fly) and more family support. Angi, Steve and I ran this last year.
* Marine Corps Marathon (end of Oct, Washington DC): flat course, 22000 finishers last year when John and I ran it, good crowd support, interesting sites (DC monuments), well organized.
* Omaha, NE (end of Sep): 8 hr drive from C. Springs...allowing less expensive travel and more family support. Aaron Ferrie said it is a really nice marathon.
* Other options: Portland OR (early Oct), Lake Tahoe CA (late Sept), Air Force (late Sept, Dayton, OH), San Antonio TX (16 Nov).
* Please send me your top 3 preferences by Fri, 24 Oct. Do you plan on being part of the 2009 LIFER's Team?

I changed the title of our blog from Chicago Marathon for Life to just Marathon for Life until we decide on our next marathon. Let's continue to use this blog for fellowship. Please encourage others to join our team. The requirements for being a LIFER team member are: email on LIFE devotions and Marathon blogs, ProLife, and want to compete in a marathon. For the local LIFER's, how about we plan on getting together at Old Chicago's Pizza (I-25 and Woodmen Rd) at 6 PM, Sat, 22 Nov? I bet you can't guess how I came up with the meeting place!

I am truly proud to lead our team of Christ disciples who defend the defenseless unborn and celebrate God's gift of life through marathon running!

Run for ProLife,
Phil 4:13

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Motivational Chicago Information

Today, at my daughter's soccer practice, the coach told me to check out a Runner's World article on pace groups. I thought the article was great. I think I'll join one.

The article is here:,7120,s6-238-244--12854-1-1X2X3X4-5,00.html

Then, I stumbled upon the Chicago Marathon section of the website. It has all kinds of videos on the course, race tips, etc. I found it to be highly motivational and informative. I may not sleep tonight.,8032,s6-239-487-0-0,00.html

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

October Roll Call - Scott

T-5 days!!! Holy cow! I think I'm ready in more ways than one. I'd go do it today if I could. I'm studied up and ready to take the test. I'm also ready to be done. Training fatigue has bothered my left knee a bit this past month. Luckily, a low dose of Advil is handling it on the worst days, so it's obviously not too bad.

It looks like the group logistics are on track. I've got my personal packing and travel plan laid out. It sounds like others have arranged meals, etc. Thank you!!!

Finally, my fundraiser is on track. I believe I'll have about $2000 by race day. I can't say enough about the generosity of my friends and family. On a side note, my car broke down on the way to work today and four people stopped in rush hour traffic in the first five minutes to help me. My faith in others is very high right now. I'll need that Sunday.

My charity has made me famous (ha, ha). Check this out:

Since I'm on the fly-in, run, fly-out itinerary, I won't see you guys until about 2:00 Saturday at the Expo.

Pray for continued health through the weekend.

October Roll Call - Chad Livingston

After much massaging and much ice, I am ready to run like the wind is in front of me. =) I have had so much encouragement from people who know I am running this. It is wonderful to see that God is using us as something much greater than running.

I am looking forward to one of the best weekend ever.

I am Christ's most Truly,
Chad-The Big Hopper-Livingston

Post Race Celebration / meal

Good Day Life Runners. The following is all the information regarding our post race meeting spot for a celebratory meal. Thank you Tracy for helping put this all together for a seamless execution.

We will be meeting at the 'Walking Legs' statues located just west and south of the finish line. I have attached a map which includes the race route and meeting spot. Tracy's parents are putting together a tent and banner that will be easily spotted. One of the statues is set off by itself. We will be just north of this statue. Due to race day logistics, this is the 'general' location of our meeting. So get to this area and look for the tent with our banner on it. (There is a med tent set up next to this walking leg, so we are waiting until Saturday to know the exact spot of our tent.) We will try to let the team know of the specific spot but the statues will get
you close.

Food is being delivered via my in-laws, parents and Tracy's family. The meal is catered from a local well known restaurant and should be quite delicious. It will consist of sandwiches, fruit Ka-bobs, Rice-krispie treats, H2O, Lemonade, and various what-not. We are asking that each person, runners and family/friends, contribute $12 each to the meal. This should just cover the costs with no left overs. Please write me a check or hand me cash on Friday night or Saturday.

To re-cap, when you are finished, walk across the street to the West (away from Lake Michigan) on E. 11th Street. Go one block to Michigan Avenue and walk half a block south. The meeting spot will be on your left. (Look for the walking leg statues)This is going to be so much fun!