Friday, May 1, 2009

Rich Reich Intro

Hello LIFE Runners,

I am in the Air Force and currently working on my PhD in chemistry at the University of Florida in Gainesville, Florida. I taught chemistry with Pat at the Air Force Academy a few years ago and I co-author the LIFE Group devotions with him.

My goals for the marathon this year:

  • Be the voice for the unborn (our running shirts are hopefully going to open up opportunities for speaking the Truth).

  • Raise $1000 towards a new ultrasound machine for A Womans Answer Medical Center.

  • Finish the marathon without ending up in the medic tent. If successful, this will be my first out of four completed marathons that I didn't look like the walking dead and scare the heck out of my wife Erica.

  • Qualify for the Boston Marathon with a 3:15.
Through Christ our Lord,
Romans 12:12

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