Saturday, September 18, 2010

2010 LIFE Runners (through the finish line!)

Sioux Falls Half/Full Marathon for ProLife (12 Sep)
* Mission: God first, Save the Unborn (& parents), Encourage, Health
* 2010 Team (20): Jason Peters (SD), Rich/Erica Reich (FL), Pat/Angi Castle (IL), Aaron/Brenda Ferrie (IA), Becky Loving Gregory (NE), Rob Rysavy (CO), Scott Casmer (CO), John Shannon (IL), Deborah Bertsch (SD), Ardis Moeller (SD), Dale Sundermann (NE), Mandi Poss (IA), Mark/Kia Rector (SD), [Sue Peters (SD), Deanna Peters (SD), and Steve Castle (MN) for amazing team support!]
* LIFE Runners Team FB, LIFE Group Devotions blog (FB)
LIFE Runners Team, congrats on finishing the Sioux Falls Half/Full Marathon...for ProLife! The 2010 LIFE Runners weekend was like a ProLife retreat with the Mass, prerace agape dinner, race sacrifices, and post race celebration. I agree with Scott Casmer, "It was one of the best weekends of my life"...and Dale Sundermann, "It was the most enjoyable race/event." Let's prepare for God to do more great things with the 2011 LIFE Runners weekend (Kansas City half/full Marathon 15 Oct)!
Alpha Center: Our contributions to the Alpha Center crisis pregnancy bus exceeded $7K (including Kia's $400 prize) with many thanks/prayers for our 100+ generous sponsors (list). The 2011 LIFE Runners team will gladly raise funds again for the life saving Alpha Center bus mission (provides free ultrasounds). 87% of Mothers who see their Unborn baby ultrasound...don't abort!
2010 LIFE Runners Story: This Facebook photo album has routinely updated photos, captions and comments that tell our story.
* Our training/fundraising was inspired by the faith/endurance of JP, his parents Jason/Deanna, and his grandparents Sue/Bill! Running for JP (KELO article/TV video) and Faith and Family Inspire Sioux Falls Marathon Finisher (KSFY TV video).
* Articles (in progress): O'G High School Scroll (Cameron Johnson), O'G Alumni Re-U-Knighter (Carol Nesbitt), Alpha Center newsletter (Jenay Hallickson)
2010 Season Highlights (chrono order): New team slogan/logo/jersey. Leslee read Steve's Running the Race LIFE Group devotion to 1200 pregnancy center leaders in Dallas. Leslee shared our story with Bishop Swain at the airport. Kimberly/Leslee Alpha Center tour ("marathon coach" written on bus, Memorial Garden plaques, Leslee's 26th yr). Team blessing after prerace Mass. Sue/Bill hosted prerace dinner (praying over JP, children's prayers, "eating an elephant"). Awesome race day support (great signs). Rich crossing the finish line holding up 12 wk baby model (for all to see "real Life"). Dale paced Rob to a PR. John paced Angi to a PR. Aaron paced Mandi. First half marathon for Mandi/Scott/Ardis. Steve/Erica encouragement helped Pat through some tough miles. Aaron/Brenda went back for Jason. Jason/JP/Team finish. Kia gave her $400 prize (3rd place lady) to the Alpha Center...putting us over $7,000 raised for the crisis pregnancy bus. KELO/KSFY TV stories. Inspired new LIFE Runners. Helped save babies (and families).
2011 LIFE Runners: The Kansas City half/full Marathon (15 Oct 2011) is described as "fast" and "scenic." With the Saturday race, we will plan a Fri prerace dinner, Sat evening worship service, and a Sat night party! We already have 38 adult runners and 5 kid runners (from 13 states) interested in joining the 2011 LIFE Runners team. See updated roster in latest update.
Let's continue to run/pray hard that we soon cross the finish line for the end of abortion. You all fuel my ProLife engine with your demonstrated dedication to saving the Unborn (and their parents). I salute and thank you!

Coach Pat
Jer 1:5
Runners run. Christians Pray. LIFE Runners (FB) do both!

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