Kansas City Half/Full Marathon for ProLife (15 Oct)
* Our Calling: LIFE Runners are LIFE Group Devotions members who pray, raise funds, and run…for ProLife!
* Core Values: Keep the Faith, Respect Life from Conception to Natural Death, Run so as to Win.
* LIFE Runners Team FB, LIFE Group Devotions blog (FB)
2011 LIFE Runners Team,
The 2010 LIFE Runners had an anointed Sioux Falls half/full Marathon race weekend...for ProLife! Check out the 2010 LIFE Runners photo album. Before we settle in for Thanksgiving dinner, let's do some initial planning for God to do amazing things with the 2011 LIFE Runners weekend (Kansas City half/full Marathon, 15 Oct). The course is described as "fast" and "scenic." With the Saturday race, we will plan a Friday prerace dinner, Saturday evening worship service, and a Saturday night party.
2011 GOAL: Build a miracle team of 100 LIFE Runners to raise $25,000 ($250 per runner) for the Alpha Center crisis pregnancy bus (free ultrasounds)...saving babies (and families)! 87% of Mothers who see their Unborn baby ultrasound...don't abort. For 2010, we raised over $7K for the Alpha Center bus with 17 LIFE Runners and over 100 generous sponsors (list).
TEAM ROSTER: 53 adult runners and 7 kid runners (from 18 states). OTHERS?
* Full Marathon (23): Mike Austad (SD), Rosemary Bernth (IA), Chris Bird (TN), Dave Butterfield (OH), Pat/Angi Castle (IL), Steve Castle (MN), Kiplimö Chemirmir (TX), Ger Fjeldheim (IA), Becky/Chris Gregory (NE), Stuart Hughes (MO), Rachel Lindner (TX), Rachel Person (SD), Jason Peters (SD), Kia Rector (SD), Rich Reich (FL), Rob Rysavy (CO), Courtney Schumann (CO), Fr. Jonathan St. Andre (PA), Sarah Vetch (MN), Deneen Waddell (WI), Doug Young (AR)
* Half Marathon (30): Dave Alpers (SD), Brenda Alvine (SD), Deborah Bertsch (SD), Lynn Bishara (FL), Stephanie Bossman (SD), Karla Brien (IL), Scott Casmer (CO), Tina Castle (MN), Joe Castle (IN), Shantelle Castle (AZ), Tracy Clinton (UT), Aaron/Brenda Ferrie (IA), Shane Hall (MO), Pam McGushin (IL), Ardis Moeller (SD), Julie Norton (SD), Deanna Peters (SD), Mandi Poss (IA), Erica Reich (FL), John Shannon (IL), Jamie Simpson (KS), Stephanie Spader (SD), Dale/Tayler Sundermann (NE), Wade/Ashlee Sundermann (MO), Dan Szarke (CO), Julie Weiss (FL), Chris Wyckoff (CO)
* 5K or 1.2 mile (7): Brianna Castle (10), Grace Castle (7), Paige Castle (10), Carter Ferrie (7), Trevor Ferrie (10), AJ Spader (10), Catherine Spader (7)
INVITE: As most marathoners only do one or two races each year, we need to invite our ProLife family/friends now for them to plan on joining us. If we each recruit one LIFE Runner by Christmas, we will have 76 runners. If all 76 runners then recruit another LIFE Runner by the beginning of the marathon training schedule (25 July), we will have 152 LIFE Runners for 2011. Our courageous goal of 100 runners can be done...with inspiration (Jer 1:5, Phil 4:13)! When inviting, explain that LIFE Runners are members of the LIFE Group Devotions faith community who pray, run, and raise funds for ProLife! "If not you, who? If not now, when?"
MAINTENANCE: Training schedules begin 13 June for the full and 25 July for the half. At the start of these training schedules you should be able to comfortably run 3 miles. For maintenance in your off season, consider running at least 3 miles for 3 days of the week with one longer run on the weekend. For injury prevention and improvement, do stretching and core training after every run. To keep things interesting, plan a 5K or 10K every 3 months. God luck with your upcoming races...wear your LIFE Runners jersey and ProLife wristband to give voice to the Unborn...saving babies (and parents)!
Let's continue to run/pray hard that we soon cross the finish line for the end of abortion. As my brother Steve said to me at mile 19 of the Sioux Falls Marathon, "stay strong, stay vigilant"!Godspeed, Pat
Jer 1:5
Runners run. Christians Pray. LIFE Runners (FB) do both!
* Abortion reality (images): #1 death cause (23% pregnancies). Prov 24:11 & Jer 1:5. "A great poverty that a child must die that you might live as you wish." Blessed Mother Teresa
* "The will to win means nothing without the will to prepare." Ikangaa
* "But those who hope in the LORD will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary." Isaiah 40:31
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