Monday, July 21, 2008

Early Morning runs if interested

We are meeting at the Goose Gossage skate park, 3225 Mark Dabling Blvd, 80907 (just south of Garden of the gods and just east of I-25) at 6am. Tuesday will be an easy 4 mile run with some form work (Bio-mechanics) towards the end.

Anyone interested can call or email Chad but you do not need to. Simply show up. We will be meeting at 6 and will hang out no more than 10 minutes before taking off.

Also, We have a Wednesday morning 7 miler planned but have not set the location yet if you would like to weigh in.

Confirmed for tomorrow are:
Ben, Chad, Jason (Friend of Chad's) and Rich Reich. I'm really looking forward to seeing Rich. = )

We plan to post meeting times around the city as we progress up in the mileage and get closer to Chicago.

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