Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Running Goals (Steve)

Hey Runners:

Well, I just purchased some new shoes and new orthodics this past week, so I'm all geared up. Now I just need to get my butt out of bed and start running again.

I've been rehabbing goosefoot (pes anserine) bursitis/tendinitis for over a month now, so I'm feeling more confident. Check out this link if your really interested in the injury


All I can really say is that it's caused by overuse, weak and tight hamstrings, and a poor stretching regimen (imagine a runner not stretching enough). I thought I was stretching well, but I've received an education these past weeks. I guess as a "Clydesdale" I'm more prone to these types of injuries.

I would like to issue a challenge to everyone to post their running goals so we can track progress and encourage one another as we progress toward Chicago.

I'll lead by example so here goes!

1) Break 4 hours in Chicago (4:23 w/ altitude and mountains in Black Hills)
2) Be under 200 lb's (lose about 15-20 lb's)
3) Improve stretching and strengthening regimen
4) Break 1 hour 45 minutes in a half marathon in September
5) Train and run the Pike Peaks Assent in August

OK, with all that said, let's get some enthusiasm, dialogue, and energy around this fantastic event we are moving toward! God Speed!

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