Monday, April 21, 2008

April Roll Call (Chad)

Training is going well. As Ben said below, we are entering our sixth week of Hal Higdon's 'novice supreme' training. Ben and I found a weekly 5K fun run that we are enjoying. This typically replaces our Thursday 3 mile run.

I am in the thought stages of what my 'pro-life' support will look like. I am attempting to come up with something a little un-orthodox. More to come.

- I'm still looking to finish in under 5 hours.
- I would like to run a consistent 10 min/mile pace - so far, I'm only achieving this around 3 miles and end up much greater when I run four.
- Begin 'enjoying' the run more - I'm starting to see this as my body is taking to the distance running well - My wife is happy to see my stomach getting flatter. = )
- Ben and I notice that our lungs get tired a lot faster than our legs. Perhaps some herbal remedy could be suggested: = )

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